Chairman’s Message

SVBF Youth
2 min readApr 9, 2021

Sri Gurubhyo Namah,

It gives me great pleasure to see that our youth at SVBF Canada have come forward to assemble and publish a Newsletter displaying their knowledge in various aspects and detailing the on-going activities at SVBF Canada. Our Sanatana Dharma is rich with values, culture, spirituality and required actions for the benefit of mankind. The youth taking a lead in interpreting and understanding these values and offering opportunities for all youth to participate is a great step forward.

This Newsletter is rich in content and contains various subjects of special interest to all Hindus-young and old. Our Hindu religion provides directions and guidance for people to lead a virtuous and fruitful life. The articles and pictures by the youth cover a wide range of aspects and I am truly impressed with their understanding, interpretation and communication skills. Such Newsletters offer opportunities for the overall understanding and spiritual development and future actions when they grow up.

I congratulate all youth team members and contributors of this Newsletter for initiating such an appealing Newsletter. I pray to Sharadamba and our Jagadgurus Sri Bharathi Teertha Swamiji and Sri Vidhushekara Bharathi Swamiji to bless our youth with guidance and knowledge to keep working and developing a respected Newsletter that will appeal to all Hindu youth worldwide. I am grateful for the team of adult advisors led by Prathibha Hampapur, Ravishankar Hulikal, Pannaga Adiga and Param Bhat for providing guidance and mentorship.

Dr. V. I. Lakshmanan
Chairman, SVBF Canada

