Reducing Our Carbon Footprint — Arjun Saraff

SVBF Youth
2 min readJan 8, 2023

A triple-threat of climate change, biodiversity loss and overpopulation is bearing down on Earth. As a high school student, I may only be able to contribute to the mitigation of one or two of the aforementioned threats. However, any form of support is crucial to saving our beautiful but imperilled planet. A great example of trying to be environmentally friendly is monitoring our carbon footprint. A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas emissions caused by an individual’s actions. Observing and evaluating our carbon footprint (and reducing our footprint accordingly) is necessary to prevent mass extinctions, health crises and constant climate-induced disruptions to society.
Using, I calculated that my annual carbon footprint is 18.47 tonnes, therefore, my carbon emissions place myself in the top 6% of the world. In addition, I found that if everyone lived like myself, we would require 3.7 Earths. To offset my carbon footprint, I would have to plant 204 trees each year.
List of practices that I am applying or could implement to reduce my carbon footprint:
1. Consume locally produced or home-grown food.
2. Bring reusable shopping bags and avoid products with excessive plastic packaging.
3. Make sure to buy only what you need, to avoid waste.
4. When clothes do not fit you anymore, donate them rather than throwing them out.
5. When possible, use bicycles or public transport.
6. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth and lights when you leave a room.
7. Unplug your electronic equipment and don’t leave your phone on charge when the battery is already full.
8. Wash clothes using the “cold water” setting in your washing machine. According to, about 90% of the energy used by the washing machine during laundry goes towards heating the water.

Arjun Saraff is a grade 10 student who resides in Milton, Ontario. A few of his hobbies include soccer, piano, reading, writing, mathematics, robotics, programming, and drawing. Arjun has been attending bhajan classes at SVBF since the age of 3 and has been actively involved in many cultural events held there. He volunteers for SVBF as it gives him an opportunity to give back to the community, stay connected with the culture, and grow as a leader.

